原文链接:The sentinel toothpaste: a useful programming technique for everyday life
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这个编程技巧的一个典型用例就是(C 语言中)使用字符 \0
结尾的字符串。要计算这种字符串的长度,我们可以遍历字符串直到找到 null 字符,这里的 null 字符就是哨兵值。
下面是一个值为 String
的字符串,其最后的 \0
S | t | r | i | n | g | \0 |
另一个典型用例就是链表数据结构中的 null
值指针。如果所有链表节点的数据都不为 null
,我们可以使用 null
我第一次知道这个哨兵值技巧是在知名的计算机科学家兼教授 Lennart Andersson 的编程课上,这也是我的第一门计算机科学课和编程课。我从他那学到了很多极其有用的编程技巧,这些技巧在我的职业生涯中也发挥了很大的用处。但哨兵值是唯一的一个我发现在计算机编程之外,在生活中也十分有用的技巧。
译者注:后面还有一些作者从 Lennart 教授学到的东西,个人觉得用处不大,就不翻译了,直接贴原文。
Here are a few of the useful things I learned from Lennart:
- How to efficiently write parsers for formal languages, such as mathematical expressions and programming languages.
- How satisfyingly compact functional programming techniques can be, particularly with map, reduce, and filter operations, even in imperative languages.
- That (some) printers weren’t just dumb devices that would print bitmaps, but that they were running a fully-fledged language called PostScript. So you could manually write a piece of code that you could send to the printer, which would run it and generate output – on the paper. What a realization!
- How to avoid comparing floating point values directly with each other – instead, subtract them from each other and check that the difference is small. That is, instead of checking a == b, check abs(a - b) < 0.0001 (or some other small quantity). This is a nifty way to protect against small numerical errors in floating point repressentation.
- The importance of external vs internal repressentation of data structures: we were given a lab assignment to write a small Excel/VisiCalc clone. We were free to do it in any way we wanted, with one exception – we were not allowed to use a two-dimensional array to repressent the contents of the sheet. The purpose was to teach us that the externally visible repressentation (a two-dimensional sheet of cells) was in no way related to the best way to repressent the same data internally, inside our program. This has stuck with me ever since.